A monthly retainer that offers you editorial feedback as you write your book, chapter by chapter.
This package includes PER MONTH:
Note: this service is only for those who have completed
Your Story Spine or Your Book Proposal with me.
You have created your book outline, and possibly even your book proposal, doing the heavy lifting ahead of the writing... and it was a lot of work.
Now you're ready to craft your long-form manuscript, chapter by chapter, following the unique 'road map' you have created for your flow of contents.
You're nervous and excited about crossing the threshold into this next stage. It's been a long time coming.
You recognise that having accountability will sustain your creative momentum at those difficult or sticky moments, which will inevitably arise.
You understand that having an objective eye on your work can prevent you from going off track along the way - which can take a lot of work to fix once it gets 'solidified' on the page, and is best avoided from the start.
This is unlikely to happen in terms of structure, because we've worked on that, but it can happen in terms of voice, pacing, reader engagement, the more detailed content.
You've enjoyed our exchanges and our process of creative brainstorming. You value objective feedback from an 'ideal reader and editor in one.' This has stimulated your creative process and your sense of engagement with your own material, and you would like to continue in this vein.
This package offers month-by-month support to help you and your book stay on track.
You'll receive guidance in the following ways:
You choose how many pages you would like to submit per month. This gives you the opportunity to set your own goals and pricing; and I will hold you accountable to your decision. We will draw up an agreement and payment structure based on the number of pages you feel you can realistically produce per month, going for neither an under-reach nor an over-reach.
You will submit your Microsoft Word working document to me on a pre-agreed schedule, and I will return it to you with detailed in-line notes and an accompanying editorial letter (the number of pages will depend on how many you submit) that addresses the big-picture issues.
I will keep your book's point and purpose in mind when addressing each chapter, so this is more than about editing discrete parts. The editorial feedback will consider the full sweep of your narrative, as per the book outline or proposal you have already set up.
You're welcome to ask me questions by email or WhatsApp (M-F), provided these do not take longer than 10 minutes to answer (per question.) When more complex questions arise, we will wait to address these in your next editing round.
(on a monthly basis)
I'll send you a monthly invoice for online payment. While my prices are set in USD, payment is also possible in €, AUD or GBP.
Duration of this retainer:
How long you sign up for is entirely up to you.
Your time commitment will depend on how long it takes you to write your manuscript, how much energy you are willing to invest, and for how long you want to work with me as opposed to working on your own.
We can collaborate for whatever duration as you like, on a month-by-month basis. I do encourage, however, that you work consecutively (as opposed to in a stop-start manner), because the point of this retainer is to keep you progressing steadily towards your goals.
It's amazing how much can be achieved - and how many high-calibre pages generated - with month-by-month accountability, even when the unexpected arises or you feel pressed for time. Creativity thrives inside deadlines!
Note: This work does not guarantee that you will be signed with an agent or publisher, or that you will have a bestseller on your hands.
Nobody can promise that. These things depend on many factors, such as how much time and energy you invest into your own work, alongside external influences such as world events, industry trends, books about to be released that are on a similar to yours, luck and so much more.
This retainer will get you writing steadily towards your goals, and will ensure you are always working with key considerations in mind such as reader transformation and narrative cohesion.
If you would like support with writing your manuscript:

I'll be delighted to create a bespoke service for you, based upon the number of pages you would like to submit per month.
Please email me at catriona@storieswithspine.com.