Take your readers on a heroine's journey


A stand-alone service to help you create an effective strategy for pitching to agents and publishers.

This package includes:

3 x STRATEGY sessions (60 mins)

5 x editing rounds (query letter)




You've put in the hard work of preparing your book proposal. Now it's time to send it out to literary agents and publishers, with an effective and carefully considered strategy.  

Pitching is about much more than closing your eyes, sending your book proposal out at random and hoping for the best. Being well prepared can make all the difference.

Note: this service is only for those who have completed Your Book Proposal with me. 

For more information see here.


You've finished your book proposal, and it was a lot of work.

Now you're ready to send it out to literary agents and/or publishers.

You feel nervous about this next stage. You recognise that pitching is an art: it's about much more than sending an email out to every company you can think of. It needs to go deeper than that. Your pitch must be as professional, compelling, precise and targeted as possible. 

This package provides industry insights, strategy and hands-on research tailored to your specific project. It will prepare you beautifully for rolling out your pitch over time.

You'll receive guidance in the following ways:


Your query letter

I'll guide you with writing and polishing the query letter you'll send out to literary agents and/or publishers.  We'll strive to make this as succinct and compelling as it can be. 

The aim of the letter is to pique interest in your project, so that an agent or editor at a publishing house then requests your full proposal. Only then will a decision be made about the viability of your project, and an offer made (or not).

Your coaching call #1 (60 minutes) will be dedicated to how to craft your query letter.

After the call you can send me up to 5 drafts of your letter, and I'll provide editorial feedback on each round, to get your query into its best shape.


Agents and publishers

I'll research and draw up a shortlist of 10 literary agents and/or publishers that are well suited to the book you're writing, and who are actively looking for material like yours. 

Please note: I do not have special relationships with these companies. I will simply recommend that ones that I believe are a good fit, upon careful research.

On your coaching call #2, we'll discuss this shortlist, prioritise the companies you like, and decide if, how and when you'd like to approach them. We'll discuss how to tailor your query letter to the specific needs and desires of each company.


Your longer-term plan

On your coaching call #3 (final call), I'll share industry tips and insights into how you can conduct your ongoing agent and publisher research, so you are well-equipped to continue with your pitching strategy on your own.

I'll walk you through the best way to research companies that will be a good fit (to add to the ones I have suggested), so that you are targeting agents and/or publishers that are relevant for you and your particular project. 

I'll share ways to help you do this in the quickest and most professional way, and provide you with a spreadsheet template (XL) to help you track responses as they come in.

You'll then be well prepared to proceed into the longer process of pitching, which can take time, because each company can take 6-8 weeks to get back to you - if they respond at all. This can jangle the nerves, but by rolling out your pitch with a pre-established strategy, you'll be going into this wth your eyes wide open, and ready for your next steps.


(a one-off payment)

$797 USD

  • 3 x strategy sessions (coaching calls - 60 mins each)
  • Up to 5 x editing rounds of your query letter
  • A bespoke shortlist of 10 agents and/or publishing houses that are well-researched and relevant to you and your project
  • Training in how to continue the agent and publisher research on your own, with industry tips and guidance 
  • Template for tracking responses and feedback to your pitch
  • Basic email support (Mon-Fri) for the duration of the program.

* This service is only for those who have completed Your Book Proposal with me.


I'll send you an invoice for a one-off online payment. While my prices are set in USD, payment is also possible in €, AUD or GBP.

Note: This package does not guarantee that you will be signed with an agent or publisher. 

Nobody can promise that. It depends on many factors, such as world events, industry trends, books about to be released that are similar to yours, luck and so much more.

It's not unusual for a writer to send out as many as 50-80 query letters over time, or even 100+. It can be a long-drawn-out process.

The duration of your pitching process will depend upon the industry response to your pitch, your emotional stamina, and how much time and energy you are willing to invest in the process.

This package will get you started on the right footing, with my guidance, plus training on how to continue the agent and publisher research and roll out your pitch on your own.

If you would like support with your pitch:

Please click the button below. It will take you through to a contact form to fill out.

How to take your readers on a heroine's journey
