Take your readers on a  heroine's journey


What is the experience of book coaching like?

It's both intimate and practical. A combination of coaching calls, editorial feedback, goal-setting, deadlines, creative brainstorming and the sharing of helpful resources (books, articles, talks, films, newsletters) creates an experience of being intellectually stimulated, creatively nurtured, focused, productive and disciplined all at the same time.

Laughter is pretty much guaranteed. Tears are likely at some point (and welcome). We are dealing in the territory of emotion, after all. If you didn't care deeply about your subject, we wouldn't be doing this.

It can be a juicy creative process. One client said during a coaching call: "I think I'm having a book orgasm!"

How does book coaching differ from developmental editing?

Book coaching works with you as the writer, as well as your writing. In this way we develop you, as messenger, as well as your message. 

Book coaching process includes accountability, creative nurture, guidance through blocks, brainstorming and more. 

The editing process usually begins when a manuscript is already written. I offer two editing packages. You can read about them here.


As your book coach, I focus on 5 key steps in book development, rather than coaching you regularly through the writing of your full manuscript.

We do the heavy lifting together in advance - the thinking before the writing - giving you a clear map to follow. This liberates you to write on your own, because you already have the clarity you need about how to proceed.  

That said, once you have completed Your Story Spine or Your Book Proposal with me, I do offer a monthly retainer called Write Your Manuscript, designed to support you through the writing of your book. You can learn about this service here.

what's the difference between 'your story spine' and 'your BOOK proposal'?

Your Story Spine is about creating your book outline. You define and order your ideas for your own sense of clarity and structural cohesion. It's your personal roadmap for your book.

Your Book Proposal puts your ideas onto the page in expanded and polished form, for the attention of the literary agents and publishers. This is a sales document; its purpose is not to tell your story but to sell your story, should you wish to go down the traditional publishing route.

THIS SOUNDS LIKE A LINEAR PROCESS. What about my creative expression?

Developing a book in this niche requires a dance between left and right brain. 

I believe that creativity thrives inside boundaries, even if that sounds counter-intuitive. I provide structure and accountability while allowing plenty of room for your creative inspiration and intuitive guidance.

We'll look for the sweet spot where you can work at the pace that suits your creative flow, while also putting deadlines in place to make sure you are moving forward and getting the results you're looking for.



I only take on projects that are 100% author-written. If you use AI for brainstorming or research purposes that's fine, but I request that you let me know.


I only work with experienced writers. This doesn't necessarily mean you've published a full-length book, but you must be at ease with the written word (in English). I will ask for a writing sample before we agree to work together. This is so I can check the coherence between your goals and your stage of development as a writer; and know if I can genuinely be of assistance to you and your book.

Why might an established author want to work with a book coach? Perhaps you feel stuck, or  are eager for external reflection. You might be working on your dreaded second book, are writing on a new subject, switching genres to one you're unfamiliar with, or addressing a different readership this time. 

Maybe you're looking for support because this book feels extra vulnerable to you: it's deeply personal, or the content is so close to you it's hard to see it clearly.


You must be familiar with Microsoft Word and its Track Changes function. This is industry standard, and a must. If you're going to write a book, you will need it. NOTE: this requires a subscription.

Document exchange is by email attachment. 

For coaching calls we will use Google Meet, which requires no subscription or download at your end. Video recordings and/or written transcripts are available if desired.


Payment is with a credit or debit card. I will send you a link for online payment.

Although my prices are set in USD, you can also choose to pay in €, GPB or AUD.


A large following isn't a requirement to work with me; however, in the absence of a (significant) platform, please be aware that you'll have to work hard to find other demonstrable ways to connect with potential buyers for your book. 

Publishers these days are risk-averse. They want clear indicators of how the book might sell and what you will do proactively to make this happen. You will need to assume responsibility for the majority of your marketing; that's simply how the industry works these days.

Marketing considerations are discussed in depth if you sign up for Your Book Proposal.


I cannot guarantee any outcomes for your work, for example that you will be picked up by a publisher.

I will bring high-touch guidance and tried-and-tested methodologies to your table, and offer honest feedback. But I can't control how you use the tools, how much time you give to your project, or how fast or deeply you work. Nor can I say with any certainty what agents or publishers might be looking for when you are ready to send out your proposal. It's an unpredictable business, and much depends on luck and timing.

What I can guarantee is that I bring integrity to my work, and will offer feedback, guidance and editorial support to the very best of my professional abilities. You will gain far more strength in your ideas by doing this, than if you worked on your own.


I can't guarantee that you will make any money from what you write. There are no guarantees! Good books get turned down, bad books can find a publisher, and publishing terms can vary wildly.

Few books make money when you weigh up the time and resources you invest into it. However, a book can raise your profile in your industry and allow you to open up new income streams, or build upon pre-established ones.

Most non-fiction writers make their money through indirect means: via teaching, consulting, speaking, workshops, running retreats etc.

Your book will work best if you weave it into your professional eco-system by presenting readers with your 'signature journey.' I will guide you with this all along the way.

It can be useful to ask yourself: what will my book do for me, even if I make no money from book sales? How can it move my life forward in the direction I want to go?  How can it get me to where I want to be?


All are welcome, as long as I genuinely believe I can be of assistance. Feminine archetypes and mythologies and the heroine's journey are relevant to people of all genders. If you have a book idea that's compatible, I'd love to hear from you.


How do I know if you're the right coach for me?

Do we stand on common ground? 

My philosophy is explained in more detail here. You'll gain a clear sense of my offerings here. You'll find my 'Do We Fit?' page here.

Please spend time perusing these pages. This will help you to make the right decision for you, vis-a-vis our compatibility.

If you feel unsure, I suggest you sign up for the Mini Story Spine. It guides you towards defining the point and purpose of your book, which puts you ahead of the curve. It's a bite-sized offer that will give you a good sense of my coaching style.

You will need to invest a significant amount of time into our work together, so it only makes sense to sign up if you have - or make - this time available.

I also suggest that you do not sign up with me if the cost of 1:1 coaching will cause you financial difficulty or anxiety. Your wellbeing is important. Down the line I will open group programs and/or a membership to bring my costs down, per individual.

what if i feel vulnerable? My subject is edgy

I am sensitive to the doubts and fears that can arise in writing a narrative that might be (or appear to be) counter-cultural.

I know first-hand that being seen and heard can be scary, especially if you are taking on culturally embedded misogyny.

Know that I'll be here to acknowledge, validate, nurture, bolster, encourage and champion you as we work together.

What 's unique about your approach?

The reader's journey:

I place a special focus on the 'heroine's journey' as a leitmotif through all my services. That is, your reader's journey of transformation. At every step I will encourage you to think about the arc of change you are offering your reader, and your book's narrative drive. This will make for the best kind of reader experience. 

Balance between your vision and the marketplace:

I'll help you strike the right balance between creative inspiration and the wants and needs of the marketplace. 

I am well informed in, and sensitive to, your themes: 

I am constantly educating myself about feminine archetypes, mythologies and the heroine's journey. I have gathered significant insights into these over time, through deep research and my own lived experiences.

How to take your readers on a heroine's journey
