Take your readers on a heroine's journey


Clarify the point and purpose of your book before you start writing.

You'll receive:





With this jump-starter offer, you will narrow your ideas down from the broad to the specific. You'll define what your book is about, why it's of value to readers, and how it will interact in the world.

This is a simple, powerful clarification process that sets you up for your writing journey ahead. It has the added advantage of offering a 'taster' of my coaching style, without any bigger financial commitment.


You're struggling to narrow down your body of work

You have accumulated a whole body of work over time, and your book is starting to take form in your mind. You have a broad sense of what it is you want to achieve.

However, you are yet to have a vision of your book as a finished entity, because you are yet to define its point: the specific argument you intend to make.

You haven't figured out your unique contribution to the bigger cultural conversation on your chosen subject.

This lack of clarity is causing resistance when it comes to sitting down to write, even though you're passionate about your project. Your wheels are spinning, you're losing precious time, and you feel impatient to get the real work underway.

Resolving this feel urgent, because your book will speak in some way to the pain and brokenness in the world, and offer a way through. 

If this sounds like you, read on.

First, we'll focus on the point of your book

The point of your book is the singular powerful idea that you will be the through-line for your book. 

You're longing to nail the idea that feels right, giving you a full-body "YES!", and the exercises in the first part of this program guide you towards that.

It is liberating to define your book's point like this, early on in the writing process. It brings motivation and enthusiasm. It helps you write your manuscript with thematic and structural cohesion; and that's as satisfying for you as author as it is for the reader. 

The clearer your intention is at the start, the more lucid your writing will be, and the more you'll enjoy the process of writing. The breakthrough in clarity can get you through overwhelm, confusion, and the sticky moments, because you remember your source of inspiration in the first place.

Next, we'll work on your book's purpose

You're writing transformational non-fiction. This means your book's purpose is to offer your readers an illuminating shift in perspective on an issue that's of deep interest to them. 

You are making an important offering to your readers. You're going to open their eyes, shift their worldview in some significant way, and (most likely) suggest calls to action that will change their way of being in the world.

In order to be most effective, your book will appeal to a question or desire your readers are already carrying inside - whether that's a question of utmost intimacy (a form of internal transformation that they long for), one that addresses the broader culture (urgently needed external change), or both. 

In the second part of this program, you will consider who your readers are, alongside their pressing wants, needs, and hunger for knowledge, so that you can speak to these in specific terms.

This way, they know, at a glance, that your book is right for them. It offers the answers they are seeking.

Putting your point and purpose together

When you put your point together with your book's purpose, you have your organising principle or 'story spine.' Here, you find the sweet spot between what you have to give and what the reader longs to receive.

Creating author-reader rapport

Factoring in your readers' wants and needs might feel salesy, manipulative, out of integrity, or anathema to your creativity.

These feelings are common, but actually the process of exploring your readers' needs is incredibly helpful, because it guides you into the deeper layers of your intention. That is, to inspire cultural change, one reader at a time. 

This offers the kind of rewarding, transformative experience that has your reader feel as if this book was written specifically for them.

When this happens, they are likely to spread the word about your book through word of mouth (the proven #1 way to sell a book.)

Imagine the feeling...

  • Your vision for your book has simplified and deepened.
  • You are clear about your book's point and purpose, and therefore have the through-line for your entire book. (Note: this puts you way ahead of the curve. I cannot emphasize this enough. Most people write to find out what they want to say. This approach saves an enormous amount of time.)
  • You've put your attention into who your readers are, what you're offering them and why.
  • You're starting to think in terms of your book's role in the marketplace.
  • Having defined your book's organising principle, you're energised to make the next steps.
  • You know what to say if people ask you what you're working on. You can articulate your vision in a few well-chosen words.

You will have to ask yourself challenging questions.

It takes dedication to find your story spine. You're going to have to dig deep to find the answers that are true for you. It's likely this will involve digging into your life's mission. 

The tools provided in this program are carefully curated to help you do this.

[For a more expanded version of this story spine work, see my follow-on program here.]

You'll be set up with 'right thinking.'

This program does not promise instantaneous results. Your process will be iterative. After all, there's nothing small about the subject you're writing about. You're probably challenging belief systems that have grown in power and influence over centuries, and that's deep work.

You might experience an 'aha!' moment at some point during our process that gives you goose-bumps. This can happen, but it's more likely you will continue to refine your ideas after we've done our initial, bite-sized work together. 

What this offer will do, most importantly, is set you up with right thinking as you embark on your project. You will learn how to ask the right questions.

How fast you move will depend on how far along the path you are already, and how much time and effort you choose to put in.

Catriona helped shepherd a transformation within me, to let go of a book project I’d been working on and to embark on a more raw and personal project. 

I believe that Catriona was the only coach who could elicit this dramatic pivot and is the one I trust to make it the book of my dreams.


Embodiment coach

The practicalities: 



The Mini Story Spine starts with a 2-part PDF guide for you to work through in your own time. You'll receive this when you sign up. The questions and exercises provided will help you to brainstorm about your book's point and purpose in incisive ways. The more time and thought you put into your answers to the questions provided, the better.



Once you've done all the preparatory work (within a time-frame of 30 days from the date of purchase) you'll send your working document to me. We will use your 2 editing rounds to refine your ideas, prior to our coaching call together. 



We'll use our 60-minute coaching call to look at your written responses in more detail, and address any questions you might have.


$ 247 USD


This offer includes:

* 2-part PDF guide

* 2 x submission deadlines

* 2 x rounds of editorial notes

* 1 x 60 minute coaching call

*This offer should be completed within 30 days of date of purchase.


I'll send you an invoice for an online payment. While my prices are set in USD, payment is also possible in €, AUD or GBP.

Interested in signing up?

If yes, I'll be delighted to hear from you. Please click the button below. It will take you through to a contact form to fill out.



For edits and written feedback, we'll use Microsoft Word's 'track changes' function, so it's important you are familiar with this.

For the coaching call, we will use Google Meet. This requires no subscription at your end, and video recordings and/or written transcripts can be provided. 


My services are non-refundable. If for unexpected reasons you can't use this service within 30 days from the time of purchase, please contact me to discuss this.

can i be assured of confidentiality?

All communication and materials are treated as confidential, unless your permission to share with others is explicitly granted. This is stated in my terms of service.

How to take your readers on a heroine's journey
